Canada Express Entry: 4500 Invites Send


Canada has issued 82850 ITA’s until now for the year 2020. With this draw, Canada’s Express Entry system has gone for the biggest draw until now. The minimum CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System)score required for this draw was 471 with a total invitation of 4500 candidates. 

This CRS requirement was the same as the previous draw that was held on 30th September 2020.

There have been draws of 4200 every two weeks since 2nd September 2020 by the IRCC itself. The immigration department of Canada has not held these immense draws of such size since the month of February.

Canada Immigration Department application management system is the Express Entry System itself. The Express Entry System manages profiles for three economic class programs. These classes are:

  1. Federal Skilled Worker Program

  2. Federal Skilled Trades Program

  3. Canadian Experience Class

Apart from these programs, candidates in the Provincial Nominee Program are also given the same CRS score or the evaluation of their profiles. The points that contribute towards the CRS score are based on factors like:



Working Experience

Language Proficiency (English or French)

As per the CRS score, the highest scoring candidates receive an ITA to apply for a Canada PR visa. In this round, a total of 4500 ITA’s were sent to the candidates.

In case if there is a tie between candidates, a tie-breaker rule is used by the IRCC. The tie-breaker used in this draw for the score of CRS 471 was that the applicant must have submitted the application before 1st September 2020 in the time frame of 12:11:23 UTC. The applications received in this time frame were eligible for receiving an invitation in this draw. 

For the year 2020, the CRS score was floating above 470 for almost all the programs. A CRS score of 415 was declared for the Federal Skilled Trades Program on the draw of 6 August, whereas for the Canadian Experience Class the CRS score was 440. The PNP class candidates only have higher requirements for CRS as they get an additional 600 points for the nomination. The PNP program proves to be a viable alternative for the candidates who have a much lesser score in the CRS as compared to the Express Entry Program.

With this draw, the total ITA’s issued in the year 2020 brings the total to 82,850. This year has proven to be the most effective and granting for applicants as the number of ITA’s issued has been the highest till date.

However, the new immigration levels will be announced by the Canadian Immigration authorities by the end of this month. The Canadian Government will be setting the admission targets for candidates for the year 2021 and 2023. These targets will give us the candidates a glimpse of how immigration will look like for the year 2021 and 2023 in the Express Entry program.

So reading this article one thing that can be deduced is that this is the best time to apply for a Canada PR visa. 

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